Casualty Information

------------------GA & SALVAGE SECURITY REQUIRED-------------------

22 July 2024

* Further to our initial report below, the owners of MAERSK FRANKFURT have now declared General Average as a consequence of the fire.

* Accordingly, General Average security will be required from all Cargo Interests prior to the delivery of their cargo and we are likely to be able to assist in that regard.

* We are now also advised that salvage services are being provided by professional salvors having contracted with shipowners under Lloyd's Open Form (LOF) terms. Consequently, salvage security will also need to be provided on behalf of all cargo interests in addition to the GA security. We are in contact with the necessary parties and W K Webster will be able to assist in this respect also.

* We have cargo surveyors on standby in India to conduct cargo surveys as may be required on any damaged cargo and investigations will also be undertaken into the cause of the fire.

* We are already instructed for certain cargo onboard the vessel and we may be able to offer certain economies of scale in respect of any third party costs which may need to be incurred in handling this case.

* So far as the fire-fighting operation is concerned, several Indian Coast Guard vessels are now at the scene and a Coast Guard helicopter has also been supporting the operation, including dropping a dry powder designed to assist in dampening the fire. Whilst explosions were reported towards the forward section of the vessel, the firefighting efforts are reported to be going well, albeit the fire is not yet fully extinguished. Sadly, it is reported that one crew member has sadly lost their life dealing with the fire.

* We therefore recommend that you contact us urgently if you are concerned with any cargo on board this vessel so that we can immediately start taking steps to protect your interests


19 July 2024

* We have received reports that container carrier MAERSK FRANKFURT (IMO. 9969065) is currently experiencing a serious fire on board within the deck cargo approximately 102 nautical miles off the Indian coastline near Goa. The ship was only built in 2024 and is understood to have a carrying capacity of 5,920 TEU.

* Two Indian Coast Guard vessels are at the scene conducting fire-fighting operations in what is reported to be rough seas and inclement weather conditions. The Indian Coast Guard has further advised the vessel is carrying IMDG cargo and explosions have been reported towards the forward section of the vessel where the fire is located.

* At the time of the incident the vessel was proceeding from Mundra, India to Colombo, Sri Lanka.

* Professional salvors may well be contracted to provide additional firefighting and salvage assistance to the vessel. If contracted on LOF terms, salvage security will be required to be provided by cargo interests by a party acceptable to the salvors or the Council of Lloyd's. W K Webster will be able to assist in this respect.

* General Average may also be declared, in which case General Average security will also be required from all cargo interests prior to the delivery of their cargo, and we will be able to assist in that regard also.

* Further reports will be issued in the coming days, but given the apparent seriousness of the situation, we recommend that you contact us urgently if you are concerned with any cargo on board this vessel so that we may immediately start taking steps to protect your interests.